What is the Difference between Tiller and Cultivator? Which one is best for your Garden?

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Have you even seen a garden that is extremely beautiful and wonder whether you will be able to manage your garden to perfection. Well, the truth is that you can manage to make your garden look perfect, the trick is to use the best equipment suitable for your lawn and soil under them. There are end number of choices for you when you are looking for tools to ensure that you get the best lawn. But do not worry, we are here and because of that, choosing tools for your garden will be a child’s play for you .

On that note, in this article you will get to learn about tiller and cultivator and which can be the best choice for your garden, We will learn everything you need to learn about them and we will learn the differences between them. So without taking much time, let us just head into knowing about these two tools for your garden. Although they are very much similar to each other when it comes to serving their purpose, there are some things about them which have to distinguished.

What is a tiller?

There are many times when you have a beautiful lawn but you slowly watch it get dry and have start to have empty patches right in front of you. There are many reasons that can happen and there are even more ways to deal with them. One of the tool that you can use for the same its a tiller. we know you are already wondering what is it if you are a newbie intro gardening. It is the kind of equipment you need when you want to make sure that there  is no dead soil under your grass or there are no weeds ruining the roots of your lawn.

It is the kind of tool that you have to use it before you plant your plants and seeds. It ensures that the what grows  out of your soil is perfectly healthy. Tiller ensures that the all the soil that there is in your garden is equal and grows perfectly well lawn or plants.  Although there are different types of tillers available for your to choose from but before we get into the basic types and give you an idea about those different types, let us show you how the tillers actually work.

There are different types of tillers, the way they operate is different but the functions of the tiller are quite similar. Tillers have tines in them depending upon the type of the tiller that you are using. This tines goes deep in the soil and ensure that the soil is prepped for planting. One of the other reason the tillers are used is to ensure that the compost that you have put on the soil is mixed with the soil taking help of the tiller. Now let us make you understand how it exactly works based on the different types of tillers.

Basically, the tillers that you will see are either the front tine tillers and the rear tine tillers. You can choose between any of them based on your choice of priority. Front line tillers are basically used to prepare the soil before planting the seeds and mixing the compost in the soil whereas the rear tine tillers are used to cultivate the soil for new plants and compost mixing. You might have to choose one based on your complete operational preferences.

There are also tillers which are operated manually and there are also those which are operated via cord, battery or gas. The trick is to check what is more plausible and suitable for the area of soil that you want to cover. That being said, we cannot miss to tell you some of the advantages and disadvantages of the tiller which you should definitely know if you are planning to purchase one.

Benefits of using a tiller

Advantages of using a tiller

When you are purchasing a gardening equipment there is always some percentage of the guarantee that you will get the benefit out of it and worry not, you always would,

  • If you look at the advice given by the professional on maintaining the soil of your garden, if you are interested in planting different plants within the intervals in the same soil, it is highly advised that you use tiller on your soil twice a year to get the benefit of healthy growing plants.
  • The soil which is tilled tends to provide you the most healthy plantation that you can grow in your soil. Moreover that, you will see that the quality of the soil will also get improved.
  • So many times when you are planting in the same soil, some weeds grow up at the base of the roots, using tiller ensures that these weeds can come to surface and break to let your plants breath and grow well.
  • When you till your soil, you also get the advantages of getting rid of all the insects that grows in the soil, because of tilling the upper layer of it never dies so you can get rid of the risk that is caused to your plants cause o the insects.

Disadvantages of using a tiller

Like all good things, even the tillers also have some disadvantages, let us have a quick look at them,

  • You should always have to have to idea about how much and how frequent you should do the tilling, you might end up damaging your soil on a permanent level. You have to make sure that you take care of soil on regular basis but not till in extremely often. Too much tilling can cause erosion in the soil.
  • If you are using a manual tiller, it takes a lot of time to till the soil especially if the area that you want to cover is huge area you surely do not want to go with a manual tiller.
  • When you are tilling the soil which has no moisture or less moisture, tilling it can cause the soil to be even drier than it is. Eventually leading to a soil which will not help the growth of your plants.

There are still many more advantages and disadvantages of the tiller but now its time that we learn about the cultivator following the differences among tiller and cultivator.

What is a cultivator?

You have already learned about tiller so now learning about the cultivator is going to be pretty easy as they have some similarities among them. There are so many similarities that some gardeners prefer to use cultivator instead of tiller. Compared to the tillers, cultivators are more of a high duty equipment, it doesn’t matter whether you gave a large area or small area to cover, cultivators have your back.

What is a cultivator

What they do is that they strip and pulverise the soil in order to ensure that the whole field of soil has the same kind of soil which has the same and perfectly mixed compost. If you compare rotatory tiller with the cultivator, we are sure that you will get almost the same results in both. If you want to loosen the soil before you plant your seeds, cultivator is the right choice of equipment for you, they are usually used to cultivate the soil on they large farms or gardens, have you ever seen a farmer plowing the seedbeds with a tractor with cultivator attached to the back of it? It ensures that the seed that you are planting grows perfectly well.

You will also come across some different types of cultivators that you can get in the market at the moment, from heavy duty to manual cultivators, there are many different types available for you to choose from, one of them is tine cultivators which is almost as same as the tillers, the tines on the cultivators are very different base don which cultivator that you are getting.

The types includes mounted type, rigid types etc, to choose one among these cultivators you will have to figure out which one suits your necessities the best. Just like the tillers, cultivators are used to ensuring that you get the best result growing your plants while you plant the seeds. Now, let us tell you some advantages and disadvantages of cultivators.

Advantages of using the cultivator

  • The cultivators are very useful for the soil that you want to plant the seeds in, it prepares the soil for what you are about to saw. It makes sure that the soil is even and there is right amount of compost mixed with the soil to give the benefit to what will grow in the soil.
  • Compared to the other gardening equipment, cultivators are very easy to use and they are very easy to work with, especially the ones that you mount on your tractors, even if the area that you have to cover is large, the cultivators mounted to your tractor help you get the job done really fast. It doesn’t matter though, which kind of cultivator that you are using, when the at the end they are always good at preparing the soil for plantation.
  • There are also those cultivators which ensure that there is enough oxygen in the soil which you are about to put seed into, having oxygen in proper amount helps the plant to grow more healthy and on top of that, it also ensures that there are no infection or insects in the roots or anywhere near the plant.
  • Cultivators are one of the perfect choice if you want to ensure that the compost that you are putting is evenly and thoroughly mixed in soil.

Cultivators also have some disadvantages of them, let us have look.

Disadvantages of using the cultivator

  • The cultivators have a disc tines or you can just call it tines, depending on the type of cultivator that you are choosing you will have to replace the disc tines after some time of the use. The reason being, the sharpness of the tines reduces and it does not glide easily as it should in the soil.
  • Whether you are using a manual cultivator or gas operated cultivator, one thing that you will surely need is extra time or money. Manual cultivators take forever to help you cultivate the soil, whereas gas or fuel operated cultivators emit gas and cause you to spend a lot of money for both.
  • If the soil that you are working with is extremely rigid with lack of moisture even with the second layer of the soil, the cultivators will be useless, what you need is moisture in the soil for it to work perfectly well.

There are some more disadvantages to getting a cultivator, one of which is that you will have to take care of it. The maintenance that it requires to make this equipment last long is quite exhausting but the result that your soil and your plants get makes up for it.

Difference between the tiller and the cultivator

Comparing the tiller and the cultivator, you will learn that both of these have quite the similarities among them, it just depends on your choice and the area of the soil that you want till or cultivate, otherwise both of this equipment can work with in lieu of each other. But do not worry, you do not have to be stressed about knowing the difference between these two, because we are here to do it for you.

Let us assure you before we go ahead to look into the differences that even though the tiller and the cultivators are almost the same, they are not at all the same, let us tell you why,

Despite looking exactly like each other, the usage of the tiller and cultivator is very different. Tillers helps you dig deep into the soil whereas cultivators help you prepare the soil for seeding.

Tiller vs Cultivator

If you want to break open the soil, you might want to purchase a tiller but if you want to ensure that the soil and compost is even in the whole area there you want to plant the seeds, you might want to purchase a cultivator.

Tillers are basically used on the soil when you are planting for the first time in the area of soil but cultivators are used when you have reaped the plants and you are preparing the soil for the next plantation. Let us not forget that despite being different from each other they are always used on the soil before you plant the seeds.

If there is a hard or dead layer of soil with very less moisture in the soil, you should get a tiller but if you want to ensure that you have a smooth but evenly separated soil that is already soft, you should use a cultivator.

To sum up in one sentence, tillers are used to break the soil whereas cultivators are used to mix the soil. Depending on what you are looking for you can choose one among these two. And the best part is that you can choose to purchase both of them and you still won’t be making a mistake.


There are so many equipment available in the market at the moment which can help you to prepare your soil before you do the plantation but the best among them all are the tillers and cultivators, one of which lets you break the soil and the other lets you even the soil for plantation to help sustain the moisture and mix the compost in the soil. That being said, we have found out that most of the industrial farmers as well as the professional farmers or gardeners prefer to use both of these equipment on the area of the plantation before they actually plant the seeds.

We hope this article helps you understand how tillers and cultivators are different from each other and how you can get one to ensure the perfect plantation in your field.

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